November, 2008

This page is written monthly
by Harumi Okochi.
Sometimes Harumi's friends join.
We'd be happy if you look at
previous issues.


Welcome to Mukushima

An island school with only one student
Mukushima, Karatsu City

Hello, there!
Autumn color of the sea is clear and deep blue. Winter is late this year, and the sea keeps its autumn color for long.
In the middle of October, we, the members of Soroptimist International of Karatsu, visited a small island , Mukushima, to the west of Karatsu City.
Our porpoise of this island going was to present a movie to the only one student of the island's middle school.
We invited all the islanders to this movie. 50 people out of the 70 whole population of Mukushima came and enjoyed the movie. It was so long since the islanders saw the last movie on this island.
Please enjoy the photos of this beautiful small island and meeting the student, Hideki Furukawa.

Boat Ryoshi-maru and Captain Furukawa
We went to Mukushima on this small boat.
Girls were excited to go to the sea!
A bigger island Takashima is near to the shore, and a long bridge is under construction.
Mukushima is much smaller, and it is 15 minutes' boat ride.
Can you see the light house?
At the right end of the island, the school is.
One student, 9 teachers!
Boat arrived at the foot of this school.
At the front door of the school, we took a picture.
Hideki Furukawa, the only student of this school, was a smart boy. In two years he will graduate, and this school will be closed.
Hideki made a speech of thanks.
Two men from the movie company carry the machines to the boat.
Afternoon sun was quite bright.
We were all happy after eating a big lunch on the island.
Farewell to the island, and the clear sea.
Maybe we will not come here again.

Thank you friends. Did you enjoy your small journey to the small island?
See you next month.

Thank you very much for visiting this page.
I hope you will return next month.
Yours, Harumi Okochi

Proprietress of

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